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How To Make Great Conversation And Small Talk

Being in the sales industry for quite some time, I personally know and appreciate the power of being able to effectively communicate with others. Knowing how to start and keep a conversation going is especially important. In fact, many organizations actually train their sales representatives to become professional conversationalists.

I consider myself to be a natural conversationalist. I don’t really have a problem starting and keeping a conversation going and for that reason, I’ve always been pretty successful in sales. I have however, seen my share of people who fail miserably in sales. After all, it’s not for everyone.

But what I noticed in all these people was that they all fell short in the areas of conversation. They either couldn’t start one or they would start one but never be able to continue one.

Then I began to notice that they were unhappy with other areas of their lives including their relationships, friendships and other important areas. It’s not hard to understand why. Good conversations set the stage for many areas of our lives.

A conversation is a means of communication in which one person expresses the way they feel about a particular subject. If you can’t effectively do that, then you are never really expressing yourself as an individual and therefore, you will never actually get what you want out of life.

When I heard about Sean McPheat’s best selling program entitled "How to Make Great Conversations and Small Talk", my curiosity immediately peaked. I jumped online right away and ordered a copy.

First and foremost, this book has helped me in countless ways. I have nearly doubled my income just by being exposed to principles in this book that helped sharpen, my already sharp sales techniques.

What it did for my co-worker Ken was truly amazing. Ken’s a heck of a nice guy but he’s extremely shy. And the sales business is certainly not for shy people.

After I read this phenomenal book, I quickly told Ken to grab a copy. Within 2 weeks, he went from making 6-7 sales per week to making over 30. I personally watched this book transform him from a sales slug to a powerful selling machine in less than ½ a month.

And remember, this isn’t even a sales program. It’s simply just a program on how to effectively communicate with others through great conversations.

Here’s a snapshot of what’s inside:

  • The secret to making conversation and small talk with anyone and
    at any time

  • How to get people to talk to you

  • How to create a favorable first impression with everyone that you

  • How to keep conversations going and how to control and steer the

  • Awesome one liners for you to use – people will just love you for

  • Learn how to say NO and mean it – being assertive to the demands
    of others

  • How to feel great in an INSTANT – learn how to flip a switch and
    feel confident at once

  • How to complain effectively and get what you want – how to stand
    up for yourself

  • How to give tough messages and feedback

  • Advanced Communication Skills

Believe me when I tell you, this book is worth every cent. It can be a catalyst for success in many areas of your life. In fact, it can help you in every aspect that involves talking to people. This includes: your job, relationships, friendships, purchases, family life and much more.

I recommend this book to anyone ranging from a person who can’t even talk to people to those who consider themselves to be "smooth talkers". You will not be disappointed!

How To Make Great Conversation And Small Talk

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