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Well, here we are at the beginning of 2009. No matter what you have or have not done, you will soon have a clean slate, a fresh canvas, a new start in 2009. The New Year is a time to begin again. It is a time to take the lessons of all the past years and create from them a plan which directs us toward our current goals.

Think about that for a moment.

Do you have activities you participate in which are remnants of previous goals? Are there things you are doing (even today) which do not reflect your current interests, ambitions, and dreams? Sometimes we get so caught up in making a living that we forget to design a life. Do you realize that you must aim directly at your target in order to hit it? What are you aiming at? Where do you want to be at the end of 2009? How about at the end of 2016?

I encourage you to set a course and go for it. Right after reading this newsletter, sit comfortably and write out your goals for 2009. After that, you may want to write out your goals for 2016!

Something amazing happens when we write out our goals.

Suddenly they are real. They exist on that paper, or that computer. Then we are able to give our ideas wings. We are able to figure out HOW to make them happen in an efficient manner.

Would you like my help with making this powerful change and living the life you deserve right NOW? I have dedicated my life to developing hypnosis products and services which remind you of the passion and determination you naturally have to move forward with your goals quickly and easily. I want you to be successful. Take your life to the next level!

I’ll see you at the top!


Steve G. Jones,
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Self Hypnosis MP3s and CDs continued