Have you ever really recognized and appreciated the value of your goals?
Do you achieve every single goal that you wish?
Have you taken steps toward improving your goal setting process?
If you are looking for a resource to help you effectively set and achieve your goals, look no further. Finally, there is a book available that can help you.
Here’s something you should know: At a Harvard University study (1979-1989) the question "Have you set clear written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?" was asked to students in the Masters of Business Administration graduate program. The study revealed only 3% of graduates had written goals and plans, 13% had goals, but not in writing and 84% did not have any specific goals besides getting out of school and enjoying the summer. In 1989, 10 years later the researchers asked the same question to the same class members. The 3% of graduates who had clear, written goals when they left Harvard were earning on average 10 times more than the entire other 97% who did not have the written goals!
This is actually no secret to me. I know how important having clear, defined goals is to achieving success. So when I discovered Ran Aroussi and his e-book about setting and achieving goals, my interest was immediately sparked.
After reading this book, I can say that this is some of the best material I have about achieving goals to date.
The book consists of effective techniques that anyone can implement to achieve a higher level of self improvement.
In case you didn’t know, people who set goals:
Suffer less stress and anxiety
Concentrate and focus better
Have more self-confidence
Perform better in sports and business
Are more motivated and driven to succeed
Are happier and more satisfied with life
Goal setting is essential to achieving success. As a matter of fact, whether you realize it or not you set and aspire to achieve goals every day.
Almost every single thing you do in life is based on a goal. Therefore, if achieving a higher level of self improvement is goal of yours, don’t wait any longer.
For just $29.95, you can have some of the best material ever written on achieving goals.
Because I have always recognized the importance of setting goals, I set mind to find a source on the market to help me achieve them ore effectively. I guess you can call that a goal in itself.
What I found was a book that will remain in my personal development library forever.
If you want to take advantage of everything this unparallel resource has to offer, all you need to do is visit www.goal-setting-success.com right now and grab your copy. I’m glad I did.
Visit The Goal Setting Success Website
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