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Attract A New Car

While I tend to think of myself as a frugal person who invests before he spends and when spends, spends wisely, I do have an appetite for the finer things in life when it comes to certain things.

I guess you could say I’m a sucker for a nice watch and a quality pair of jeans. Those are the two things that I simply must have the best of. I think of it as a sort of reward for all my hard work and thrifty spending.

Over the past few years, I’ve been particularly frugal when it comes to the car I drive. In fact, since I got my drivers license almost 15 years ago, I’ve never owed a brand new car.

My first car was a 1990 Pontiac Grand Prix, which gave me nothing but headaches from day one. My second was a Mazda 929 which I overpaid for. My third was a Volkswagen Jetta, which I bought from my mom after her lease was up. The last car I had was a 1998 Honda Accord, which I can honestly say gave me no problems at all.

With a growing family however, it was time to get into something a little more spacious. Deep down inside, I’ve always wanted a brand new vehicle and for quite some time, I had my eye on the Nissan Pathfinder.

For some reason however, I always felt like I couldn’t get my hands on a new vehicle.

One day I sat down and thought to myself: “I have a library jam packed with resources that I have used to effectively capture whatever it is that my heart desired. Why should this be any different?”

Since about 10 percent of my library consists of works by the great Joe Vitale, I knew of his audio series entitled “Attract a New Car”, but again for some reason, I always put off using it.

Well once I decided to purchase the series and put it to work, I began realizing why I never had a new car and why I never used his course before when I knew deep down that I wanted a new car.

When I was growing up, my dad drove one car for about 20 years. It was a 1977 Oldsmobile which he bought when I was born and drove it every day until it became an “old-mobile”.

I remember how my uncles would joke around with him and ask him if he was going to willingly get rid of it or just wait until it finally died while he was on the road somewhere left stranded.

“Get ride of it?” he’d say. “Are you crazy, this car will never die. Besides, a new car is just a waste of money. If you really want to flush your money down the toilet, buy a new car.”

As it turns out, all this talk about new cars being a waste of money found a nice little spot in my subconscious and created some nice, big limiting beliefs for me when it came to cars.

That’s the reason why even though I wanted a new car, I ever actually got around to owning one.

Now for the good stuff. I put Dr. Joe Vitale’s Attract a New Car audio series to work in late September. On November 23rd (just 2 months later), I purchased my 2008 Nissan Pathfinder in Storm Grey and I couldn’t be happier.

This program did more than just get my into brand new car. It helped me once again identify any barriers that may stop me from progressively moving forward in life.

I just purchased a copy for my dad as I think he could really get some good use out of it as well.

Here’s the bottom line. I recommend this audio series to anyone interested in driving the car of their dreams down the street in the less than two months.

Additionally, it will benefit anyone interested in learning how to effectively attract anything they desire into their lives while breaking down belief barriers in the process.

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Attract A New Car – Or Anything Else

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