Low self esteem can develop in many ways. Hypnosis gets to the route of the cause and can help develop new ideas and dialogs about how you view yourself. This is true no matter what kind of upbringing a person had or what type of events have happened in their life to harm their self esteem.
Self esteem is defined as a person’s view of them self. It is often not based on reality but only on how the person appraises him or herself. They may have thoughts that they are not attractive enough or smart enough. It can be very general in that they feel they are just not “good” enough. It also can be targeted to a specific trait they don’t see that they have but want to have, such not being able to recognize that they have a talent singing when they do in fact sing well.
Self esteem can also translate into behaviors and emotions based on this self perception. It can make a person shy and quiet if they have low self esteem. Both the negative thoughts and personality traits that develop from them can be changed with hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can actually replace the internal dialog a person with low self esteem plays in their mind with a more positive script.
To allow hypnosis to replace one dialog with another, the person is first led into a completely relaxed state. This is the type of deep relaxation that takes place prior to falling asleep. Once this is achieved, then messages of self-worth and positive reinforcement can be introduced. Since it is the subconscious mind that holds the negative thoughts leading to low self esteem, the subconscious mind is cleansed of these thoughts and filled with the positive message. Steve G. Jones, a clinical hypnotherapist, expertly accomplishes this in his self hypnosis program called, “Overcome Low Self Esteem.”
Visit the Hypnosis to Overcome Low Self Esteem product page for more information.