Hypnosis used to improve one’s memory is an extremely effective therapy that includes learned behaviors and reorganizing the material stored in the brain so the garbage doesn’t get in the way of important facts. To understand how hypnosis can improve memory, it helps to understand how the brain receives and stores information, then recalls that information on demand.
The brain receives literally millions of signals a day, most of them simultaneously. There are sights, sounds, smells, and feelings that are absorbed, but few of them are consciously registered. All of the senses in fact come into play as the brain is receiving bits of information. Much of this information is not considered useful at the moment, if ever, and is quickly and automatically pushed to the background.
Hypnosis works to improve memory by doing a housekeeping task of sorting and categorizing information. It does this through first relaxing the body and mind. Then like a virtual organizer data is sorted into different regions of the brain. When the clutter is removed and the dust wiped away, then the important thoughts we wish to remember can be recalled quickly.
Remember the expression, “I’ll have to sleep on it?” It is used when a big and important decision needs to be made. This isn’t just an act of buying time before making a decision, but a scientifically studied process of the brain. When the mind is in a relaxed state of sleep it is then able to sort through stimuli and data received throughout the day and organize it. Hypnosis works in the same way to improve memory.
Through the skilled guidance of Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones, listeners of his program “Better Memory” can get their minds to relax so important information can be recalled when needed. It will train you to consciously make note of that you will need to remember later. These are the skills that can help with test taking, business and personal relationships, and getting the most out of all you learn.
Visit the Better Memory Hypnosis product page for more information.