Over the years this form, hypnosis, of therapy and alternative medicine has been associated with hundreds of different actions and experiences, many of them false. Many people have believed hypnosis to be nothing more than a stage act meant for entertainment and others have believed it to be a superstitious act meant to keep spirits at bay. It is a shame just how many myths have been associated with hypnosis because today many people do not know what to believe. The truth about hypnosis is that it is in fact one of the greatest tools we have today to access our subconscious mind and positively change the way we think.
The first and most prominent myth is that all forms of hypnosis are the same and work the same; this is incredibly false and when you take the time to think through this statement, it is easy to see why. First, there are many forms of hypnosis and different techniques which can be used to try and reach the subconscious levels of our minds. The most common and traditional form of hypnosis is the “you are getting sleepy” technique we have all seen in stage shows and on TV throughout the years. This is not as effective as the new and more advanced level of communication techniques used today to hypnotize someone.
Subliminal messages are the same as hypnosis and they are just as effective. This is a statement many people have come to believe over the years and this too is false. Subliminal messaging is perceived to be successful through the many minds that undergo these studies but there is no real proof this is true. As well, this is a completely different form of therapy that has nothing to do with hypnosis and how hypnosis works.
Everyone has heard the phrase, “some people cannot be hypnotized” before and millions of people believe this to be true. The truth about this statement is not that you cannot be hypnotized that maybe you are more difficult than another person. The people that are being referred to in this phrase are those with a lower IQ or the inability to concentrate for long periods of time on anything and this can make the hypnosis process more complicated for the hypnotist you are working with, but you are not impossible.
For centuries people have believed that hypnosis is bad because it makes you lose control and you don’t know what you are doing while you are in this trance. This is one of the main reasons people are afraid of hypnosis today and this myth needs to be clarified right now. Anyone who has seen a hypnosis stage show may believe this to be true, but this is not hypnosis is it pure entertainment. During a real session of hypnosis you are relaxed and calm and you are able to get up and walk away at any time if you choose. You have made the conscious effort to provide your full attention to the hypnotist and there is no type of control loss within this process.
Now you may have a better understanding as to what hypnosis really is and what you have been led to believe over the years through the common misrepresentation of this therapy. With these new facts and theories within your mind you may be interested in learning the principles of hypnosis for your own benefits in life. Check out the website today for audio teachings to get started!