A study was recorded following the decision of one man in Colchester, Essex, England when he decided to use the therapy of hypnosis to help him through his dental work instead of the anesthetic. This 54 year old man had to have 2 rotten teeth removed and 4 roots and the cost was going to be over $400, which was almost unaffordable for him. In order to avoid such a high cost he chose to eliminate the use of the anesthetic and relieve the pain from within his own mind for free.
After a two-hour procedure this man reported he felt nothing more than a sting once he had achieved his hypnotic state and eliminated the pain sensations from his subconscious mind. The dentist performing the procedure had to literally dig into his jaw in order to remove the rotten roots and still, no pain was felt. Of course this man may be more susceptible to the therapy of hypnosis than others but this does not mean the benefits of hypnosis should be ignored. After a test like this, hypnosis can be used in replace of any pain killer for this man.
A professional hypnotist was there to assist this patient with this pain management. It took about 45minutes to find his state of relaxation and from here he was instructed to picture a dial with numbers from one to ten, this was meant to represent the pain he was feeling. As soon as the dial went up to ten he would visually bring it back down to one and continue thinking of his happy and relaxing thoughts; successfully eliminating the pain. Our brains control a great deal when it comes to our bodies and pain is one of them. Our subconscious mind can only be reached through this form of therapy and is the only place where pain can be replaced with relaxation using the proper methods.
Hypnosis can be 100% effective if you have taken the time to learn the principles fully or you have a professional hypnotist there to assist you with your therapy. Hypnosis, quite literally, taps into our subconscious minds and alters the way we think in order to eliminate not only pain but negative thoughts, stress, anxiety and so much more. We do not often recognize that our thoughts do not have to work this way and our brains do not have to control our actions. Hypnosis can change the way your brain and subconscious mind think and interpret things throughout the day and help you live a more peaceful and relaxed life.
Pain is not the only benefit which was derived from this study explained above but the lowered and non-existent side effects and risks as well. When you choose a natural therapy such as hypnosis over drugs you are choosing the natural alternative and literally eliminating your risk of dangerous side effects. If you are interested in learning more about hypnosis for your own life and personal benefits, BetterLivingwithHypnosis.com is one of the most established websites online for selling and providing interested customers with the audio recordings they need to learn the basics of hypnosis from their own homes.
Take a look at this website today and see what this natural therapy can do for you and how it can change your life for the better!