Although it may not feel like it right now, you can overcome grief, and hypnosis is a powerful tool in speeding the healing process. Grief is a natural part of life. If we did not grieve the loss of a loved one to some degree we would not be human. However, when grief becomes so consuming or lasts longer than a year, it can interfere with living and may require some kind of therapy.
Hypnosis is one of those therapies used by psychiatrists and clinical hypnotherapists to ease grief. It helps patients to get to the core of why they are unable to let go of grief. It is not intended nor would hypnosis be able to make you forget a person you have loved or lessen their memory or impact in your life. It is intended to make a healthy transition from life with someone to life without them.
Grief can also be experienced over the loss of a lifestyle, valued possession, a pet, or difficult change in your life. It is not always the result of a death. In these situations, hypnosis helps you let go of ideals you may have held about the old way and embrace your new circumstances. Change can be difficult but also helps us grow. When changes cause you to grieve for an extended period of time it is counterproductive.
In an effort to help people deal with grief, Clinical Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones developed a self hypnosis program called, “Overcome Grief.” In it you will be guided into a relaxed state that opens the mind to a powerful change that helps you embrace good memories and move forward with a new stage of life.