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Hypnosis Collections

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Self Hypnosis MP3s & CDsHypnosis Collections

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between each hypnosis series?

Gold: 30 minutes, night-time use hypnosis session

Platinum: 60 minutes, night-time use hypnosis session with binaural tones

Titanium: 70 minutes, night-time use hypnosis session with binaural tones, part of a membership

Diamonds: 80 minutes, night-time use hypnosis session with binaural tones, 3 scripts in one

2 Diamond: same as Diamond, but with different sound engineering effects

3 Diamond: same as Diamond, but with different sound engineering effects

4 Diamond: same as Diamond, but with different sound engineering effects

5 Diamond: same as Diamond, but with different sound engineering effects


Daytime: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, no background sounds, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), can play in a car

Binary Daytime: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, no background sounds, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), can play in a car, echo-effect

Backward Daytime: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, no background sounds, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), can play in a car, affirmations are played in reverse

Highspeed Daytime: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, no background sounds, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), can play in a car, affirmations are played at a fast pace

Subliminal: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, affirmations are not audible (not a hypnosis session), binaural and water sounds, cannot play in a car

Backward Subliminal: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, backward affirmations are not audible (not a hypnosis session), binaural and water sounds, cannot play in a car

Highspeed Subliminal: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, face pace affirmations with binaural tones (not a hypnosis session), binaural and water sounds, cannot play in a car

Paralinear: 30 minutes, daytime or night-time use, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), binaural tones, affirmations are on delay (hear everything twice), cannot play in a car

Omniliminal: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), binaural tones, cannot play in a car, 2 scripts are used at once

Hypno-Hybrid: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), can play in a car, backward daytime affirmation in one ear, highspeed daytime affirmation in other ear

Hypno-Fusion: 30 minutes, day-time or night-time use, affirmations (not a hypnosis session), cannot play in a car, backward daytime affirmation in one ear, highspeed daytime affirmation in other ear, binaural tones

When would it be better to use the recordings, during the day or at night?

It depends on the product series. Daytime affirmations are designed for daytime use. The Gold and Platinum hypnotherapy recordings are designed for nighttime use. There is a suggestion at the end of each Gold and Platinum recording telling you to go to sleep and wake up in the morning. You can listen to them in the daytime. But, I suggest setting an alarm so that you will wake up at the end. However, whether you listen to them in the daytime or nighttime makes no difference in their effectiveness.

I am interested in learning more about hypnosis.

Steve offers in-person and online certification programs. You can learn more by following the link below:

Steve also has two products that you might be interested in. The “An Introduction to Hypnosis” will teach you what you need to know about hypnosis.

And you can learn to do self-hypnosis with the following product.

Can everyone be hypnotized?

YES. The lightest state of hypnosis (Alpha) is achieved easily. Everyone enters a hypnotic state every day, several times per day. It’s that state you are in when you are watching TV, reading a good book, playing video games, and, yes, even driving. It’s the state you are in when you are just waking up or just going to bed. You are not fully conscious, but you are not fully unconscious either. In this state you’re up to 200 times more suggestible than when you are fully awake (Beta).
Many people, when they hear about hypnosis, say, “Well, I can’t be hypnotized.” These people have been misinformed, mostly by Hollywood, about what hypnosis is and is not.

It is not necessary to be in some sort of an otherworldly trance to be in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state which everyone moves in and out of throughout each day. Many of our everyday normal activities are actually performed under hypnosis without us being aware of it.

Hypnosis is just like the state you are in when you have been driving a car for a long distance. You know that feeling. It’s not that you are oblivious to everything, it’s just that you have tuned out all of the unimportant stimuli. Your focus is the road. If something were to happen which required your attention, such as a car trying to pass you, your body and mind would be able to properly respond. Also, you would be able at any time you chose, to notice the beautiful trees or old farm mills or anything else you may be driving past.

Another example of hypnosis is playing video games. Some people can play video games for hours in one sitting. If someone were to talk to you while you were in a video game session, you would be able to respond.

A third good example of a hypnotic state is being on the computer. People who are using a computer are focused on what they are doing, but can intelligently answer the phone when it rings.

So, hypnosis is no different than driving a car, playing video games, or working on a computer. Most people engaged in these activities would not think they are in a trance, but they are. They are in a light hypnotic trance known as Alpha.

Oh, by the way, reading a fascinating article (like this one) is another form of hypnosis…surprise! You’re in hypnosis!!!

In alpha, your mind is slowed down just a little, your focus is narrow, your breathing is slow, and you are relaxed. Most people have either driven a car, played a video game, worked on a computer, or read a really good article; therefore, to say that you cannot be hypnotized is to misunderstand the true nature of a hypnotic state. Since you are up to 200 times more suggestible even while you are in the light state of alpha, anything beyond this is unnecessary for most purposes (i.e. programming someone to lose weight, stop smoking, overcome fear of flying, etc.). You can have an extremely effective hypnosis session while being aware of and able to recall every word spoken by the Hypnotherapist.

What if I’m too intelligent for you to be able to “put me under?”

Intelligence is directly correlated to suggestibility. The more intelligent you are, the more easily you can be hypnotized. People of a below-average IQ find it difficult to go into a hypnotic state. Geniuses are naturally close to a hypnotic state of Alpha most of the time and therefore enter hypnosis easily. This accounts for their ability to transfer information from their subconscious mind to their waking like and bring to the world their creations.

What if I get into a hypnotic trance and can’t wake up?

This cannot happen. Less than 10% of the population achieves such a deep trance state that they dissociate or “black out” like they do when they receive anesthetic. Such people, called “somnambulists,” do not consciously remember what happens during hypnosis unless the hypnotherapist suggests that they will. Even these people will wake up at the end of a session. Most people, however, achieve a light trance state (alpha) in which they are aware of what is happening although they are completely relaxed and focused.

What if I fall asleep?

It has been discovered by several research groups that the hearing acts like a surveillance camera. Your eyes close, but your ears cannot close. They remain open always, taking in information constantly. When a mother is “asleep” and hears her baby cry, she will “awaken” immediately. The truth is, we never really sleep, a part of our brain is always alert. That part is our hearing. It stays alert to protect us and or offspring. If someone breaks into your home while you are “asleep,” you will be alerted as soon as you hear a noise. Your hearing is “on” 24/7, taking in information and recording it. In hypnosis, we use this to your advantage, so even if you fall “asleep” during the session, your brain is still recording all of the information in your subconscious mind.

Do I have to use headphones when listening to the audio recordings?

Although it is not necessary, Steve recommends the use of headphones for maximum results.

Can I purchase a custom hypnotherapy recording?

Yes. A custom hypnotherapy recording is your most powerful choice.

The cost is currently only $1500.00. If you have previously ordered with us, a discount may be available to you.
The advantages of having a custom recording are:

  1. You can play it anytime you need it.
  2. It is personalized (your name, your information, your challenges)
  3. It is a lot less expensive than a $2500.00 office or phone session.

Your custom recording will be 45 minutes to one hour long.
Here is the link to order:

How do I transfer my recordings from ITunes onto my IPod?

iTunes lets you add digital audio and video files on your computer directly to your iTunes library. You can add audio files that are in AAC, MP3, WAV, AIFF, Apple Lossless, or (.aa) format. If you have unprotected WMA content, iTunes can convert these files to one of these formats. Video content in QuickTime or MPEG-4 format can also be added to iTunes. To learn how to add these files to iTunes follow the steps below.

  1. Open iTunes
  2. From the File menu, choose one of the following choices:
    – Mac
    – Add to Library
    – Windows
    – Add File to Library
    – Add Folder to Library
  3. Navigate to and select the file or folder that you want to add
    If iTunes is set to “Copy files to the iTunes Music folder when adding to library”, iTunes will copy all content that is added to the iTunes library to the iTunes Music folder. Then adjust this setting or change the location of this folder, go to the Advanced tab in iTunes preferences.
Can I listen to multiple recordings at the same time?

Ideally, you would listen to each hypnotherapy CD or MP3 exclusively for three weeks. However, if you want to combine hypnosis recordings, simply group them in logical categories (i.e. the recordings pertaining to confidence, the recordings pertaining to positive change, the recordings related to finances, etc.) and listen to a different hypnotherapy CD or MP3 from that particular group each night for three weeks. Then switch to the next category, then the next, etc. in three-week cycles.

How long should I listen to the recordings for?

It is recommended to listen to each recording for a minimum of 21 days or nights, consecutively, and thereafter as needed for reinforcement.

How do I choose the series that’s best for me?

It is suggested that you read the descriptions for each of the 15 product series to decide what is best for you. Each product series is on the left side panel on every page of the entire website.

Why don’t I hear any words on my recording?

Not all recordings contain audible words. For example, subliminal recordings do not contain audible words.

What is Hypnosis?

Hyp-no-sis, n, pl. – “An induced state…in which the subject is responsive to suggestions…”

If you could change something about yourself what would it be? Do you want to lose weight, quit smoking, or have the confidence to go after the perfect job? Whatever it is that you feel could make you a better, happier, and more productive person it is within you.

That is the premise of hypnosis – to draw out that which is within you. Your own capabilities and strengths are innate. But sometimes there are obstacles to achieving your highest potential. Perhaps along the way someone told you that you were not good enough to get that promotion or maybe the addictive elements of smoking have made it nearly impossible to quit.

Many people, when they hear about hypnosis, say, “Well, I can’t be hypnotized.” These people have been misinformed, mostly by Hollywood, about what hypnosis is and is not. It is not necessary to be in some sort of an otherworldly trance to be in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state which everyone moves in and out of throughout each day. Many of our everyday normal activities are actually performed under hypnosis without us being aware of it.

Hypnosis is just like the state you are in when you have been driving a car for a long distance. You know that feeling. It’s not that you are oblivious to everything, it’s just that you have tuned out all of the unimportant stimuli. Your focus is the road. If something were to happen which required your attention, such as a car trying to pass you, your body and mind would be able to properly respond. Also, you would be able at any time you chose, to notice the beautiful trees or old farm mills or anything else you may be driving past.

Another example of hypnosis is playing video games. Some people can play video games for hours in one sitting. If someone were to talk to you while you were in a video game session, you would be able to respond.

A third good example of a hypnotic state is being on the computer. People who are using a computer are focused on what they are doing, but can intelligently answer the phone when it rings.

So, hypnosis is no different than driving a car, playing video games, or working on a computer. Most people engaged in these activities would not think they are in a trance, but they are. They are in a light hypnotic trance known as Alpha. Oh, by the way, reading a fascinating article (like this one) is another form of hypnosis…surprise! You’re in hypnosis!!! In alpha, your mind is slowed down just a little, your focus is narrow, your breathing is slow, and you are relaxed. Most people have either driven a car, played a video game, worked on a computer, or read a really good article;therefore, to say that you cannot be hypnotized is to misunderstand the true nature of a hypnotic state. Since you are up to 200 times more suggestible even while you are in the light state of alpha, anything beyond this is unnecessary for most purposes (i.e. programing someone to lose weight, stop smoking, overcome fear of flying, etc.). You can have an extremely effective hypnosis session while being aware of and able to recall every word spoken by the hypnotherapist during the session.

Will Hypnosis Make Me Act Strangely?

Hypnosis is not what the movies have made it out to be. In reality, hypnosis is the act of achieving an induced state known as Alpha. Alpha is a light trance-like state that many people experience throughout the day without even realizing it. Some refer to it as being on auto-pilot. You can drive a familiar road without focusing on the route, but you subconsciously know when and where to turn. Should a child dart out in front of your car, you would be able to react and stop quickly. The same is true of the Alpha state of mind. Responses to important stimuli are still possible. It is also the perfect time to impose suggestions that can mean real differences in your life.

During the Alpha state people are 200 times more influenced by suggestions. Self-hypnosis programs help you achieve that perfect state in which changes are made.

What Types of Changes Can I Make Using Hypnosis?

You can change the way you think about yourself and even change your physical health and appearance through directed hypnotic methods. Have more confidence, lose weight, or stop smoking after just 3 weeks of daily hypnosis. You can boost your immune system and have more muscle mass and better looking skin.

Self Hypnosis MP3s and CDs continued