Call it a feeling or a sixth sense, but Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) is a real part of the senses. ESP just may not be as developed or utilized in some people compared to others who have sharpened these skills. Hypnosis, with its ability to tune out distractions and create a keen awareness, is and effective tool in fully developing ESP.
There has been experimentation regarding the ability of people to develop ESP. In a test conducted by a psychology major at the University of Cambridge, Carl Sargent, the theory was played out. He took a group of 40 students none of which claimed to have ESP. Half of the group was tested against a pack of 25 Zener Cards which are used to measure ESP by psychologists and to conduct experiments for ESP. Historically, the cards were used to see if someone was clairvoyant. The cards which feature 5 different shapes and designs are shuffled and then left for the subject to guess which card is currently being held up. Probability would state that random guesses would have a correct response 5 out of 25 times. That was the case with this control group. On average each student guessed 5 correct out of 25 cards.
In the test group the results were much different. This group was first hypnotized and the set to the task of telling what shape was on the card. Here, the average score of correct “guesses” was 11.9 out of 25, or almost half. Sargent interpreted these results to mean that ESP is able to be exhibited when the mind is completely relaxed and therefore freer to this deep-rooted level of consciousness.
Steve G. Jones, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, has been able to unlock the ESP ability in many through his self-hypnosis program, “Develop ESP.” Through hypnosis, Jones is able to help the listener relax completely and develop a sense of awareness and perception that currently lies dormant within his or her mind.