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Habit Busting

I always felt I was taking the correct necessary steps to enhance my level of personal development. Heck, I consider myself a self-improvement junkie.

I love reading books, listening to audio, watching videos, etc.

While I was achieving many of my goals and changing my life for the better, I knew there was more I could be doing. And to be honest, I knew that somewhere inside of me was a feeling that I’m not utilizing my time as best I could.

At that point, I began to take a full evaluation of myself and what most of my life consists of so I began asking myself, am I really doing everything I can to enhance my level of self improvement?

Strangely enough, the answer that I came up with was yes. After reviewing my daily routine from top to bottom, I truly felt I was doing everything I could to make my life better.

Then why was I not satisfied with where I was? Why did I feel as though I should and very well could be at another level.

Then it hit me.

It wasn’t what I was doing with my time. It was what I wasn’t doing…..taking action.

I spent most of my day educating myself and putting plans together. But that’s about it.

At no time was I actually getting my hands dirty and putting these plans into action.

My whole life seemed like one big plan to do something in the future. The only problem was that the future was passing me by while I was planning for it.

I finally came to terms with the fact that I was a procrastinator. It was the thought of doing something positive and life-changing that kept me going but actually doing it was another story.

Now that I realized I had a problem, the last thing I wanted to do was procrastinate on taking action to fix it.

I began a relentless search, leaving no stone unturned on a mission to find the best material available to man on ending procrastination and developing better habits. Because after all, the procrastination was just that, a habit.

I had heard of Lee Milteer before as she was featured as a regular guest on National TV and Radio shows, including "The Sally Jesse Raphael Show," CNN’s "Sonya Live," and "The Montel Williams Show," "The Dini Petty Show".

I had also heard of some her books including "Feel & Grow Rich," "Success Is An Inside Job: The Secrets of Getting Anything You Want," and "Spiritual Power Tools for Successful Selling."

A friend had told me to visit her site: and boy, am I glad I did.

In just 21 days, this book has taken me out of the world of dreamer and put me into the world of a person who takes action and gets things done.

I am now finally feeling what it is like to achieve the major goals in my life.

Just as it has shown me, this course can help you:

  • Surmount debilitating stress

  • Overcome crippling self-doubt

  • Work smarter, not harder

  • Maintain a laser-like focus on your goals

  • Replace negative habits with positive ones

You’ve heard how others have changed their lives through this program, and now it’s YOUR turn. With "Habit Busting Secrets," you can…

  • Stop the past from becoming the future!

  • Take control of your life again and become the creative, solution-oriented person you know you can be!

  • Earn the money you deserve and live the lifestyle you want!

  • Be thrilled when you look in the mirror and be able to enjoy the admiration of the people around you!

  • And that’s just for starters…

But I’ve kept the best news until last! Even though Lee Milteer travels the world giving seminars and speaking at huge corporations who pay thousands of dollars for her expertise..

… And even though her Millionaire Mindset Coaching program costs hundreds of dollars to join…

… All of Lee Milteer’s habit busting secrets are available to you through the complete "Habit Busting: How to Break Any Habit in 21 Days" program (on 4 audio CDs with an accompanying 52-page guidebook) — for a limited period only — for the discount price of just $34.95.

(That’s a discount of more than $100 off the regular price of $149.95!)

Visit The Habit Busting Website

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